Slower, but continued growth of online retail in Japan is the prediction in a new publication from Hamburg-based, "Japan B2C E-Commerce Sales Forecasts: 2016 to 2020." The report combines information from reliable primary sources to predict the online sales development for this period.
Japan's growth rate this year of slightly above 10 percent will allow Japan to maintain the fourth position in global B2C E-Commerce sales. Over a fourth of all households in Japan purchase online, with Rakuten and Amazon as the most popular sites, according to the publication. The report points to M-Commerce as one factor boosting continued sales growth in the next few years, as about half of all online retail is predicted to be purchased on a mobile device by 2020. Increasing cross-border online sales also fosters the progress of B2C E-Commerce in Japan. report: Online retail sales in Japan will continue growth
Rakuten and Amazon are the most popular sites