The smart store revolution is heating up!

What makes unmanned 24/7 store concepts so appealing?

Whether unmanned stores, vending machines or hybrid solutions – automated smart stores have evolved from mere sounding balloons into genuine shopping alternatives. Even in Germany, where new technologies are initially viewed critically by many consumers, these 24/7 store concepts are experiencing considerable growth.

Further examples of smart stores on iXtenso:


Two of these concepts recently opened on the campus of the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW) in Heilbronn: the Schwarz Group's and Prof. Dr. Stephan Rüschen, lecturer for food retailing at DHBW Heilbronn, has accompanied this development together with several students. Together with colleagues, he has also taken a closer look at many concepts in Germany and Europe and consequently published the white paper "Smart Stores 24/7 - Status Quo and Outlook". Using many practical examples, Prof. Rüschen explains why some stores are so successful and in which retail sectors they could become established.


Interview: Julia Pott; Video: Nico Wichtrup


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