Kassensicherungsverordnung (KassenSichV) regulates the technical requirements for electronic recording and security systems, such as Point-of-Sale (POS) systems & electronic cash registers in order to end the manipulation and potential tax evasion in Germany. The regulation is designed to protect against the tampering of digital records. To be legally compliant and ensure systems are tamper-proof, all POS systems in Germany must be installed with certified TSE solutions. Additionally, all existing POS systems used in the retail and hospitality sector, must be retrofitted in accordance with the requirements by the end of the grace period.
Requirement: Every transaction must be saved in a way that manipulation is not possible. Every POS has to use security system (TSE) certificated by the government. Every POS and TSE system must be reported and registered at the tax authority.
The TSE solution consists of:
- Security module
- Secured memory module
- Digital interface
Poindus is ready with fiscally compliant solutions
Poindus has implemented a secure TSE solution across the whole VariPOS range that can simply be plugged into the POS system via the USB/microSD-port, making it very easy to integrate and retrofit existing systems. Our solution are easy to install by simply removing a side blanking plate and connecting the device; the device is secured by a locking screw to further ensure security and stop tampering. Additionally for non VariPOS POS systems or systems or where the secure integrated solution is not suitable, we can also supply certified TSE that can be connected via USB, SD, or microSD interface.
Simple, Secure & Compliant

Software Development Kit simplifies integration
Integration of the TSE solution into the software solution is simplified with SDK (Software Development Kit), drivers. In addition, the solution is future-proof, cost-effective and easily scalable. The digital interface ensures standardized data transmission for auditing purposes.
Field-tested fiscal solution for Germany
Poindus is cooperating with the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) to deliver a certified TSE device in accordance with BSI TR-03153 that ensures a legally and fiscally compliant solution in Germany.
The details of the requirements for the TSE solution are defined in the cash register security regulations (KassenSichV) and technical guideline “BSI TR-03153” of the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) and must be certified by the BSI.
Choose the best TSE Solution for your business

Poindus Adapter for TSE (for VariPOS 2 Series)
VariPOS/PPC 2 Series
240 | 250/270 | 250i/270i | 250s/270s
Compliance is easy on new or retrofitting existing VariPOS 2 Series systems simply using the specially designed module.

Poindus Adapter for TSE (for VariPOS Classic)
VariPOS/PPC Classic
750 | 850 | 890 * Also supports 715/719 | 815/819
Retrofitted existing and earlier models of VariPOS Classic is simple using the specially designed module.

TSE (for all POS)
Plugin Solutions for any model POS
We can supply TSE solutions for tamper-proof recording of POS data. This is a plug-in TSE solution that is extremely easy to integrate.