Bernd Boddart will be supplying their cash validation and biometric age verification solutions to the German vending market. Bernd Boddart, based in Mönchengladbach, Germany, have 30 years of experience in the field of coffee machines, table top devices and floor-standing vending machines.

Simon Boddart, Junior Company Chief at Bernd Boddart commented, “We have decided to partner with Innovative Technology to enable us to offer a wider product range in the vending sector and respond more effectively to the needs of our customers. Our experience with ITL products has always been positive so we are sure our clients will be impressed with their well-established and trusted solutions.”
Commenting on the recent partnership, Lina Trofimow, Senior Business Development Manager for ITL said, “We are pleased to secure a strong, regional partner dedicated to vending in Germany, who will help provide sales and service assistance to our local customers. Bernd Boddart will focus on supplying our cash handling devices, specifically the compact NV9, NV11, NV22 note validators & recyclers, which fit into most machines. They will also assist with the distribution of our biometrics solutions for accurate and anonymous age checks. The protection of minors accessing age restricted goods such as alcohol, tabaco and vapes from vending machines is becoming an increasingly important issue. We look forward to working with operators to give them the technology they need to ensure they adhere to legislation in place designed to protect youth access.”
Concluding Boddart said, “ ITL’s age control solutions are very interesting for us as there are few providers in Germany in the age verification market, yet the sector for dispensing age-restricted products from vending machines shows much potential for growth. In addition, with ITL being a trusted and established supplier to the gaming industry, we also look to expand our business into the amusement sector too. ITL’s product portfolio of hoppers, bill readers and recyclers, alongside their years of experience in the gaming market, make them a perfect partner for us at this exciting time of growth.”