Six trends to know when selling to millennials

How retailers can get hip to the greatest (digital) generation

Six trends to know when selling to millennials
Source: ChannelAdvisor

Despite the many promising headlines, there's no magic bullet for capturing the millennial consumer.

There are overarching trends, though, and you'll need to know them and build your strategies around them. But to be a successful online retailer in 2015, the only true secret is to stay agile.

Let's face it. Even millennials don't know what their preferred purchasing method will be in ten years, five years or even three years. You must position yourself as a business ready to adapt to what's next.

In their new eBook, ChannelAdvisor has outlined:

  • Some of the major trends in millennials' buying habits
  • Some practical ways to stay agile amid their changing behavior
  • Forward-looking strategies that will help you build a healthier bottom line for your online business

Download the eBook here.

Source: ChannelAdvisor


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