The IAB Technology Laboratory released for public comment OpenRTB 3.0, a major overhaul to the real-time bidding framework that will heighten trust in the security of the automated advertising supply chain by giving buyers more transparency during the bid process. It also integrates recent technology advancements – such as ads.txt – to improve automated buying and selling for all stakeholders. This updated version of the framework is intended to increase security, transparency, authentication and trust in bidding and programmatic advertising.
Key updates proposed for OpenRTB 3.0
A new process of cryptographically signed bid requests to view the actual path of inventory, providing buyers with verification of an untampered supply chain
New companion “Advertising Common Object Model” specifications (AdCOM), highlighting the updates to ad and creative objects that will give publishers greater control of creative elements and user experience on their webpages
Ad Management API Standard companion specification, standardizing the creative approval process for buyers and sellers, streamlining development efforts across platform integrations
“To fuel the growth of automated buying and selling”
“This overhaul, which is the most comprehensive revision to OpenRTB since its inception in 2010, will arm the digital ad industry with resources to fuel the growth of automated buying and selling,” said Dennis Buchheim, Senior Vice President and General Manager, IAB Tech Lab. “It is a direct response to the stronger technology requirements that are demanded by brand marketers and media buyers in today’s complex advertising ecosystem.”
“OpenRTB v3.0 fills a critical need, allowing real-time bidding to adapt to modern supply chains and providing new tools to combat fraud,” said Jim Butler, CTO of Global Supply Platforms, Oath Inc. and Co-Chair of the OpenRTB Working Group. “As the industry adopts this new standard, we expect to see sharply increasing demands for authenticated supply and high quality ad experiences, better interoperability with other IAB standards, and an even greater pace of innovation.”
Public comment period for valuable feedback
This public comment process will include two phases. First, comments on the framework are being collected at https://goo.gl/forms/eUOEV9Lr6VW0RWtf2. After those framework comments are reviewed, OpenRTB 3.0 specifications will be made available in October via the IAB Tech Lab blog to allow for additional comments to be shared.
In total, OpenRTB 3.0 will have a 90-day public comment period, running through December 15, 2017, after which the IAB Tech Lab OpenRTB Working Group will evaluate and incorporate the feedback received, and release a final version in the first quarter 2018, including both the updated framework and specifications. With the final release, companies would then be able to begin the adoption process.