Hardware and software solutions for retail are becoming more and more complex. Although this also makes them achieve much more, it places new demands on maintenance and service by manufacturers. In this interview, Dr. Dieter Neumann, CEO of Acteos S.A., explains which services are most sought after with current equipment and how service works, when it pertains to equipment by hardware partners.
Why did you establish the Acteos Technology Center?
Customers increasingly emphasize a total package solution, which generally consists of software, hardware, the integration of existing systems and downstream services. Competent, real-time and flexible service becomes increasingly important. Acteos responded to this and created its own team, the Acteos Technology Center (ATEC).
What maintenance and services do you offer your customers?
Acteos offers first, second and third level support for hardware, software and network topics. The service level is geared towards customer demands and needs and ranges all the way to 24/7 service all year round. Acteos guarantees that there are very broad competencies within the “Atec“ team of experts, so complex issues can be quickly and reliably analyzed and corrected.
Acteos also offers remote management for mobile devices (“mobile device management“) with virtually any operating systems. This ensures that even a large, installed number of distributed mobile devices can be smoothly monitored, coordinated and maintained from a centralized location via secure access method.
How do maintenance and service work with software solutions? How do maintenance requirements for hardware and software differ?
The lines are becoming more and more blurred in this case, since the customer expects a working, total package solution and he/she is not necessarily able to detect whether an error is a hardware, software or connection issue. Quick troubleshooting and taking targeted measures are two of the important tasks for Acteos. The already mentioned mobile device management systems are an important resource for this. Per an agreement made with the customer in advance, Acteos ensures quick availability of replacement units in the case of a hardware defect, so that downtime is being minimized during such an event.
What service do customers request the most – and can you tell us why?
There currently is a virtual “demand“ hype with the already mentioned “mobile device management systems“. Since there is an increasing number of “mobile workers”, who work in part with varying devices, there is a natural demand for simpler management and maintenance of this “equipment mumbo-jumbo”. This number also increased thanks to the adoption of the “bring your own device“(BYOD) philosophy.
You also offer your customers hardware from other manufacturers. How does the collaboration with the manufacturer (in your case with Motorola) work, when equipment needs to be maintained or repaired?
Acteos is the first contact when service is needed. Our Atec associates undergo certification procedures by our hardware partners such as Motorola for instance, so that minor hardware issues can be resolved without the manufacturer’s help. There are service agreements with the manufacturers for more difficult cases, so that a quick and competent response is also ensured in this instance.
What are the most common reasons for repairs and service requests?
We are noticing increasing complexity for problems that can often be found at the interface between hardware, operating system and application software. Knowing all three components is therefore imperative for an appropriate solution.
Interview: Daniel Stöter, first publication EuroCIS.com