The shopping‘s bottleneck is the paying process. For this reason, Höft & Wessel developed self-checkout terminals which seamlessly integrate into the shopping process of the corresponding store. Existing processes that have proved to be reliable do not have to be changed — the self-checkout terminals easily adapt to this process thus making this hard- and software the ideal solution.
Increase in Efficiency
In the course of the development Höft & Wessel relied on technology and know-how that has already stood the test. The new selfcheckout terminals have now been successfully used in day-to-day business for more than one year. The improved process ensures an increase in efficiency of up to 30 percent.
After the goods have been scanned by a cashier, the customer proceeds to the checkout terminal allowing the next customer to be served. The terminal displays open accounts as well as the amount to be paid (cash or EC card). After the checkout process is completed it will print an invoice or receipt, respectively.
Flexible Installation
The terminal can be easily enhanced by a cash module. The self-checkout terminals allow for a flexible installation. It can either be mounted to a wall or used as a stand-alone device.