On Østre Boulevard in Randers you will find the way to the good glass and one of Denmark's leading wine companies, Jysk Vin. Jysk Vin has a concept, where they constantly want to renew the business - both when it comes to products and IT. Since they are both online and physical and are constantly getting new items and prices, they felt it was time for a faster and more efficient solution - Breece electronic shelf labels.

When you enter Jysk Vin, you quickly get a sense of a good mood, employees who care about the small details and still manage to create a store that you could easily spend lots of time in. At Delfi Technologies, we can quickly understand, why Jysk Vin has many regular customers who come again and again.
In the middle of quality wines and 1.060 digital displays from Delfi, you are greeted by a firm handshake from Flemming Olsen, who is director and partner in Jysk Vin.
- At Jysk Vin, we lacked a solution that could ensure that our offers and prices online, automatically came out in our physical store. A new workflow was needed, which in every way facilitated everyday work and made it more manageable for employees, but also for our visiting customers, says Flemming and continues. I am now able to change the prices online, so it automatically changes at the store, whereas before I had to update the prices, then ask the staff to go out and find the right wine, make a new sticker and update it that way. But because we are constantly getting new wine, prices and offers, we save a lot of time with this solution, Flemming says proudly.
Better customer experience
You can clearly feel that Flemming does not want to compromise on quality neither in the physical store or online. He stands by his word and there is no doubt that he wants to make a good deal, where everybody is happy with the solution.
- When we are busy and some of the customers more or less have to expedite themselves until we are with them, I enjoy that they now get much more information about the various products through our digital signs. An information they did not get before, unless the employees were with them.
And then I have a great peace of mind now that I know that the prices are updated with offers etc. Many customers may be on our website before visiting our physical store, so if there is a price that is different online compared to our physical store, then there will be trouble and that's the last thing we want. The credibility needed a boost, and we got that with this solution, where an offer cannot be online or sent out on the newsletter without the offer also not being in our store.
- I believe that what we have invested in Delfi will, over time, pay for itself. Simply because people go and get inspired and are constantly updated on our many daily offers that are constantly changing, says Flemming.

A common thread in the entire store
Jysk Vin used to have different types of signs, stickers and manila stamps to promote information and prices. That’s also why they had a desire to achieve the common thread and, through a simple design, inform about offers.
- Before, we had an employee who made manila stamps with his beautiful handwriting, but as soon as that employee had time off, or was on holiday, we, in my view, already lost the common thread by having two different handwriting. But now I can sit in the office, do it all with the app or my computer, and boom, all our electronic signs are connected to our online universe so it all gets connected - just the way we want it, Flemming concludes.
About Jysk Vin
Jysk Vin is one of Denmark's leading wine companies with its own import of quality wines. From the start of the company in 1982, they have focused on direct imports from winegrowers with direct sales to our customers. In this way, they ensure the shortest possible path from producer to consumer without costly intermediaries, and at the same time ensure the best possible contact with the person responsible for winemaking - namely the winemaker. Jysk Vin is today part of an international group, Amka Group, which currently has 20 companies in 10 countries.