Bizerba introduces the new merchandise management system .CWS – a further development of the existing industry software WinCWS. Particular attention has been placed on supporting the butchery departments in the conversion to the new EU regulation on the provision of food information.
Against the background of the EU regulation on the provision of food information, the software identifies and structures the ingredients and allergens for displaying the data on labels, based on a comprehensive database of additives. For marking and display on shop scales and counter labels, the ingredients such as nutritional values, QUID data, additives and allergens will be identified for each formulation. In addition, .CWS can also produce nutritional value labels, detailed product identifications and information sheets.
"As of December 2014, companies in the EU are specifically required to indicate allergens on packaged and loose goods", explains Rainer Maase, marketing director, Retail Germany. "From December 2016, consumers must also be provided with detailed nutritional values. Our merchandise management system .CWS offers a solution to our clients to meet these requirements and to be as well prepared as possible."
User-friendly and clear
Based on the current Office standard, the functions of .CWS focus specifically on user-friendliness, which manifests itself in the form of a modern and intuitive interface. In contrast to the previous version, .CWS has a central editing screen rather than several windows viewed in parallel. This can be personalised just as flexibly as the favourites in the main programme.
An information area gives a quick overview of whether automatic processes such as data recalls from the points of sale or print-outs of daily till reports have been completed successfully during the night. .CWS centrally saves all recalled till receipt data from the scales and till systems. These can then be exported in an evaluable format for financial auditors.
Source: Bizerba GmbH & Co. KG