Big box stores and online marketplaces like Amazon force more and more small businesses in our neighborhoods to close their doors every day. The founders of LiveShopBuy have designed the world’s first location-based online marketplace exclusively for mom and pop stores and small businesses in our communities.
LiveShopBuy launched their campaign today on the crowdfunding website Indiegogo to help raise funds to finalize this online marketplace that will help save small businesses from going under throughout the country.
“We envision LiveShopBuy becoming an essential resource for website visitors,” added Anselmo. “Everything you need locally, no matter where you are, will be at your fingertips.”
Initiative to save small local businesses
“With the emergence of huge Internet companies like Amazon and national chains like Walmart devouring their customers, mom and pop stores and local businesses in our neighborhoods are in real danger of becoming a thing of the past.” said LiveShopBuy Co-Founder and CEO Joseph Anselmo. “Local businesses add so much to our communities. It’s important to shop local and support them, but it’s also convenient to go online and order anything you want with the click of a button. We’ve created the best of both worlds – the convenience of the Internet and the ease of an online marketplace with the ability to pinpoint stores local to the customer. It’s a win win for everyone!”
LiveShopBuy’s online marketplace will officially launch later this year, but small businesses are urged to take advantage of the discounted rates and exclusive offers for memberships during this pre-launch period.
“LiveShopBuy will help local businesses compete in a climate where big businesses have the resources to advertise and drive customers to their websites,” said LiveShopBuy Co-Founder, President and CMO Rich Hanley. “LiveShopBuy gives local merchants an affordable way to become part of an online marketplace that pinpoints the location of where a customer logs in and offers products from merchants right in their neighborhood, but with national exposure.”
The program also aspires to support local communities
To further enrich and help local communities grow, LiveShopBuy has created a non-profit community give back program called LiveShopGives Community First Program.
“We all need to support local business or they won’t be able to survive.” added Hanley. “We truly believe that LiveShopBuy will change the way people shop, help small businesses to thrive and enable local communities to obtain the funds they need to make a difference in the lives of everyone in the community.”
LiveShopBuy offers local businesses a mobile ready website presence, a listing in their extensive local directory, a shopping portal, social media marketing, promotions, in-store pick up options for customers, SEO/digital advertising, membership in their loyalty program, and location-based technology. Customers will have a loyalty rewards program at no additional cost to the small business. And all customers and small businesses are automatically enrolled in the non-profit LiveShopGives Community First Program, a give-back program to support community needs.
“Everyone should have the right to the five basic needs of food, clothing, shelter, warmth and healthcare,” said Anselmo. “Our Community First Program ensures that up to 5 percent of the net revenue made by LiveShopBuy from all purchases made in a defined community will go back to that community. So programs that are important to each community will receive funds generated by purchases made by consumers for what that community needs most like senior centers, new playgrounds, stocking food banks and education programs.”