The Global GfK/NPD Brand Report, a single repository of category data across countries covered by both NPD and GfK, aligns brand names, key attributes, and attribute values with a powerful front-end interface that highlights key strengths and market opportunities. It is designed to provide customers overlapping with both companies a simple solution that aggregates data sources in a manner that allows for quick analysis of worldwide data.
POS data is essential for measuring a company’s performance, and identifying strengths and opportunities in particular category segments. With GfK and NPD data available in one aggregated report, category definitions, brand names, and currencies are aligned seamlessly, meaning customers will no longer have to manually aggregate data.
“Tracking sales performance in different parts of the world can be a herculean task for companies looking for a truly global perspective on their business. It often requires manually aggregating NPD and GfK data, which can be a challenge given the differences in category definitions, brand name nomenclatures, currency exchange rates, and attributes tracked by NPD and GfK,” said NPD President and Chief Operating Officer Karyn Schoenbart. “This tool brings a new level of convenience and utility to the clients’ current subscriptions by tightly integrating NPD and GfK POS data into a simple-to-use tool.”
“The combination of NPD/GfK provides the highest amount of POS coverage across the globe. No other company can offer the same level of POS-based market share data, or the level of attribute granularity,” said Wolfgang Wanders, Global Head POS Measurement, GfK. “Trying to organize, digest, and make global decisions based on two distinct and very large data sources can be challenging. The new report overcomes that hurdle, helping our customers identify key strengths and critical opportunities within seconds.”
Initial category reports are available for the LCD TV, floor care, and notebook computer categories, with most other major technology and home categories available soon. NPD and GfK teams will be attending the IFA+ Summit on September 5 and 6 in Berlin, Germany, and will be available to provide demonstrations of the Global GfK/NPD Brand Report. Clients interested in this capability should contact their NPD or GfK account representative.