Expofranquicia 2022 - The International Franchising Trade Fair is a leading trade fair for the franchising sector in Spain.
Franchising and business ideas are presented in categories such as:
- Ice Cream Shop and Pastries
- Photography
- Printing, Graphic Arts and Lettering
- Restaurants and hotel-restoration
- Foodstuffs
- Travel Agencies
- Cosmetics and Beauty
- Consulting Firms and Asociations
- Jewellery & Consumer Jewellery
- Information Technologies
- Furnitures and Decoration
- Fashion and Complements
- Office Supplier
- Leisure & Education
- Car Services
- Financial Services
- Dry Cleaning
- Estate Agencies
Expofranquicia 2022 - The International Franchising Trade Fair will be held in Madrid, Spain on 05.05.-07.05.2022.