The 1st edition of Equipmag Retail Expo China was a success

EREC successfully drew to a close on 17th October 2014

EREC attracted more than 4,000 visitors.
EREC attracted more than 4,000 visitors.

With 4,268 professional attendees, 121 companies and brands, and 22 high-class conferences, EREC proved that it can become the leading international trade show for retail equipment and technologies in China, the second largest retail market.

The trade show hosted 8000 local and international buyers, covering up all the key aspects to attract worldwide retailers and meet their needs: fitting, equipment, logistic/supply chain, POS marketing, studies/agency/advice services, technology, digital marketing and e-commerce providers.

Trade is developing fastly in China, who is the second largest retail market. China is ranked just after the United States, and is expected to be the leader in the next five years. Numbers speak by themselves: compound annual growth rate of selling is estimated to be 16.3% between 2009 and 2016 and to reach 4 133.7 billion of dollars of income this year. The retail industry represents 9.7% of the Chinese economy and generates more than 60 million jobs, for a total selling area of 250 million square meters.

The retail sector in China is also entering in O2O era (Offline-to-Online), after decades of separation between physical trade and e-commerce. EQUIPMAG Retail Expo China is thought to support this growing sector and bring into light the international retail trends. At the same time, it will meet the specific needs of retailers based in mainland China.

The ambition of the EQUIPMAG Retail Expo China trade show is to become the leading international trade show for retail equipment and technologies, as EQUIPMAG is in France.

See more pictures from the trade show on Flickr here.



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