The largest garden and animal center chain in Denmark invests in a new and large inspiring garden center in the city Egå near Aarhus. An extra effort is made for the customer experience with initiatives such as a coffee shop, a playground and electronic shelf labels that allows the staff to use more time on the customers and helpful advice.
Plantorama opened the first garden center in Egå near Århus back in 1987. In the same city, the chain now opens a new and large garden and animal center after having taken over an attractive location from a competing chain. A lot of effort and new exciting ideas have been put into the major rebuilding of the new garden center, which also sets new standards for quality and customer experience. When you enter the new garden center you will be greeted by experiences for all souls - from children and adults to those with green fingers, animal lovers and coffee enthusiasts.
Our strategy is centered around our customers. This means that it must be a good experience to visit us. That is why we introduce coffee and food experiences as well as a playground for the children. With electronic shelf labels, we can improve the customer experience while increasing the efficiency in our garden center, says Heidi Paaske Christensen, project coordinator at Plantorama.
It is about daring to take chances
The new initiatives for the customer experience are a part of Plantorama's strategy, which in all its simplicity is based on putting customers and their needs on top of everything else. However, the introduction of electronic shelf labels is also an initiative that takes care of the staff so they can spend more time on their main tasks.
With the opening of the new garden center in Egå near Aarhus, Plantorama presents a new generation of the classic garden center. The new location is also a flagship store, where new and different initiatives will be tested.
You must dare to take chances to win the customers. In our new garden center, we have looked into every area to see if we can make an extra effort for the customer experience. The electronic shelf labels are just one of those areas and they give our staff more time for the main tasks they love, says Heidi Paaske Christensen enthusiastically.
At Plantorama, they are aware of the positive impact that electronic shelf labels have on the customer experience and the satisfaction of the staff, but also the environmental considerations are something Plantorama relate positively to.
In addition to time, we save huge amounts of paper by replacing traditional paper labels with electronic shelf labels. The fact that we as a garden center also can help to lead the way with new technology and sustainable solutions, of course also plays a major role, concludes Heidi Paaske Christensen.