According to the US National Retail Security Survey , employee theft is the major component of retail shrinkage. Even if internal theft each year results in billions of dollars in losses globally, it is an area in loss prevention that typically does not receive as much monitoring as customer theft. Research studies show that the best strategy for retailers to reduce employee theft is to work systematically with internal staff inspections.
The TrueView Random Inspection application detects in real time when someone is leaving the premises and by random choice decides if the person should be scheduled for inspection or not.
"Our TrueView Random Inspection application is very cost effective, easy to deploy and maintain as it runs embedded on standard network IP-cameras. The selection of individuals to be inspected is completely at random, eliminating any bias in a delicate situation, which hopefully reduces employee discomfort", says Rikard Berthilsson, CEO of Cognimatics.
Tailgating (or piggybacking) is a well-known problem in access control systems, and refers to when a person tags along with another person who is author ized to gain entry into a restricted area. TrueView Tailgaiting helps overcome the fact that most automated access control systems do not control how many people enter the building when an access card is used, as is the case at many membership clubs, gyms, libraries, study areas, etc. The behaviour of tailgating is also common in subways and trains.
TrueView Tailgating detects if more than one person passes under the camera during a time interval configured in the application. If more than one person is detected, an alarm is triggered and appropriate action can be taken.
"TrueView Tailgating is another fully embedded software from Cognimatics that we believe can be a vital component in many access control systems", concludes Rikard Berthilsson, CEO of Cognimatics.
Features and specifications of TrueView Tailgating and TrueView Random Inspection:
- 100% embedded solution for Axis cameras, runs on a ll ACAP models (Axis Camera Application Platform) no need for additional server.
- Sends alarm automatically and directly from the camera.
Source: Cognimatics AB