During 2018, Pisiffik – a Greenlandic retail chain, invests in customer and employee satisfaction, when the traditional paper signs will be replaced by electronic shelf labels in 21 stores. The investment will provide both more satisfied customers and better time to focus on being merchants.
Now, significant resources are being used to ensure that the customer sees the correct price at the shelf in Pisiffik's grocery stores – the Pisiffik supermarkets and the Spar convenience stores. It is a time-consuming task, which requires many resources during the workday for any employee.
Promotional items, without the right price tag attached, will affect the customer experience. Electronic pricing ensures that the price at the shelf matches the price at checkout. It saves time for the employees and leads to more satisfied customers, says the analyst Palle Holm, who came to Pisiffik 1,5 years ago and started the project with electronic shelf labels.

"Besides the fact, that we will see fewer price errors and thus fewer complaints from customers, we also save some time by introducing electronic shelf labels. We will get more time to be merchants for our customers. That is what it is all about." Palle Holm, Analyst, Pisiffik
More time to be merchants
According to Palle Holm, the calculation is simple - you look at the things that will contribute to pay the bill. One part comes from significant savings in the time spent on manual work during promotions and price changes, which instead will run automatically with electronic pricing. At the same time, there will also be a significant time saving because of fewer complaints from customers – this will also pay a large part of the bill. But it is not just about the savings. It is also about creating a better customer experience and this is where the second part of the gain comes from. Pisiffik expects to see more satisfied customers as the customers will experience fewer price errors in the store.
"Besides the fact, that we will see fewer price errors and thus fewer complaints from customers, we also save some time by introducing electronic shelf labels. We will get more time to be merchants for our customers. That is what it is all abou"t, says Palle Holm pleased.
Experience shows greater satisfaction among customers and employees
The rollout of electronic shelf labels has begun and the first stores that have introduced electronic shelf labels, have already experienced a greater satisfaction among customers and employees, says an expectant Palle Holm.
"We can already see that our expectations regarding time saving will be achieved. At the same time, we have received a positive response from customers and that is the most important thing", says Palle Holm.