Boostcom, the globally leading “proptech” provider for shopping centres, has delivered world leading digital positions for its shopping centre customers. One example is the Norwegian shopping centre Down Town, owned by Citycon. The shopping centre that has reached a level of 76 percent digital consumer reach up against the total number of inhabitants in the location town, and 32 percent up against their defined catchment area. The member profiles hold rich data including preferences and behavioural data from e.g. offer redemptions on their mobiles.
The Mall Performance Cloud by Boostcom integrates all possible digital sources to a unified data layer (Data Management Platform) to bridge physical malls with digital. The data is utilised when doing relevant and targeted marketing to consumers in their preferred digital channels.
Some statistics from the 100 shopping centre customer portfolio served by Boostcom:
- Typical 30 percent digital consumer reach in catchment area after 3 years
- 1 in 5 customer club app openings result in a retail transaction
- More than 20 percent increase in revenue for retailers participating in specific shopping centre campaigns
- More than 10 percent increase in overall footfall from individual shopping centre campaigns
- 2 percent of total annual revenue at shopping centre directly from mobile redemption
Digital Consumer Databases are of strategic importance
“Boostcom has been helping shopping centres on the digital side since 2004. Our current comprehensive proptech offering customised for shopping centres is proving to make a big difference for our customers. In my view the only true digital asset for shopping centres up against the fast evolving market share of e-commerce is their digital consumer database with rich profiles. If you can reach 30 percent upwards of your on site physical shoppers in their preferred digital channels you will as a shopping centre be a very important player and attractive partner also within e-commerce. We expect to share significant results created within this area on behalf of our customers in the months and years to come”, says Peter Tonstad, CEO Boostcom Group.
“We strongly believe in the evolving relation between our physical shopping centres and digital connecting programmes. In Citycon we see the strategic importance of building digital consumer databases, and we are proud of the digital position and hence the related results many of our shopping centres hold to day. We expect this to evolve rapidly moving forward – both in consumer reach and actual added value for our shoppers”, says Marianne Mazarino Håkonsen, VP Marketing in Citycon OYJ.