Coop Switzerland chooses TUP992 printer from Star Micronics for Superbox Kiosk

Coop Switzerlad chooses TUP992 printer from Star Micronics for Superbox Kiosk...
Coop Switzerlad chooses TUP992 printer from Star Micronics for Superbox Kiosk

Coop is the second largest retail group in Switzerland. Close to its customers and organized in five sales regions, Coop operates over 1,500 stores and has a workforce of more than 45,000. The retailer claims to be the market leader in environmentally-friendly and fair-trade products.

Reflecting its customer focus, Coop has recently developed a loyalty system allowing customers to gain points which, in turn, can be exchanged for rewards ranging from day-to-day items through to holidays and savings schemes. Points can be earned both within Coop stores and in partner outlets. Customers are able to regularly check the amount of points they have accumulated on their Supercard, multiply these points and exchange these for rewards via an interactive kiosk called Superbox. These kiosks are located in Coop stores throughout Switzerland.

Furthermore, customers can use the kiosk to print out daily recipes with shopping lists. Given the high volume use of these kiosks, the Coop needed a printer that would provide a high speed, reliable service. As a result, the retailer selected the TUP992 thermal kiosk printer from international printer manufacturer, Star Micronics.

Supplied by leading distributor Primelco, the TUP992 holds large capacity paper rolls measuring either 15cm or 25cm and ranging from 65gsm/0.065mm to 150gsm/0.15mm in thickness. Capable of two-colour output at a fast 150mm per second, the TUP992 offers a multi-position adjustable near end paper sensor, presenter and document capture facilities. Its automatic paper loading facility with a 'lift and tilt' mechanism and multi-position design provide enhanced flexibility. Furthermore, the printer features an A4 to A6 scalable raster driver facilitating reduced legible A4 or Internet output on 112mm wide paper. As Coop states, “The Superbox kiosk is regularly used on a daily basis so we needed a printer that could provide an efficient and reliable service to our customers. The TUP992 from Star Micronics has proved to be the ideal solution.”


Star Micronics Europe Ltd.

Star House, Peregrine Business Park, Gomm Road, High Wycombe
Bucks HP13 7DL

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