ASDIS and AWEK: Two Retail Experts are Entering into Strategic Partnership

In order to improve continously on speedy service, transparency, and efficiency in retail both software experts ASDIS and AWEK entered into a strategic partnership.

”Based on the solutions of ASDIS for retail management systems we will be able to expand our POS product portfolio, including essential functions, and hence increase our service quality“ says Markus Tiedge, product manager of AWEK. In detail: AWEK integrated into their retail solution euroMANAGEMENT components of the ASDIS modular system for inventory, software distribution, monitoring, and alerting. euroMANAGEMENT monitors and takes stock of equipment and software of the existing IT in retail. All computers, peripherals and types can thus be uniformly and centrally managed – whether it's POS, barcode scanners, machine empties, Information terminals or PCs.

The conclusion is simple: It reduced administration effort and costs. euroMANAGEMENT manages the installed software, patches and updates automatically, quickly, securely, and efficiently. Configurations can be made specifically directed towards equipment or site, ensuring a controlled flow of data. For diagnoses and analysis the solution offers protocols of the retail systems, which are centrally available on a basis or at request depending on your need. This ensures smooth operation and reduces service costs by reducing on-site operations.

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