Company News • 15.02.2013

Tesco trials new self-service solutions

The new customer-facing upgrades include a self-service kiosk developed by...
The new customer-facing upgrades include a self-service kiosk developed by Retec Interface.
Source: Tesco

Tesco is trialing interactive digital solutions at three stores across the United Kingdom.

The new customer-facing upgrades include a self-service kiosk developed by Retec Interface to allow customers to browse online items, use barcode scanners for product ratings, reviews and suggested accessories, and make purchases using chip-and-pin.

Retec CEO Graeme Derby commented: "The kiosk is there to sell a broader array than what they have in the store, and it allows people to order sizes that are out of stock," Derby said. "The 46-inch Samsung screen then acts as an attraction to direct people to the kiosk, which is linked to the POS."

Tesco is also is trialing the Kids StyleMe Mirror, an augmented reality solution that captures a child's image and overlays it with pictures of clothing selected through a gesture-based interface.

channels: digital signage

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