Weekend Unlimited Inc. announces that it has secured a retail location in Long Beach, California to launch the company's first US concept store.
"It is essential to our growth plan that we establish multiple touch points for our offerings and one of those is at the retail level, where we can inform and learn from customers as they interact with our brands," said Mr. Paul Chu, Weekend Unlimited President and CEO.
Highlights include:
- 5000 ft2 space will feature 2500 ft2 retail and 2500 ft2 of Weekend LIVE, lounge space
- Retail focus on CBD and wellness products, featuring Weekend brands among others
- Focus on the customer experience and customer feedback on products and brands
- Community outreach and education seminars to take place in Weekend LIVE space
- Weekend concept store to open 4/20, Weekend LIVE space to follow
"This space has been designed to provide customers with multiple product lines, featuring Weekend brands, and elevating the experience by having an upstairs Weekend LIVE space that will hold events, education seminars and serve as a lounge with a hemp smoothie bar, coffee and CBD edibles," added Mr. Chu.