Sales promotion is also a matter of the floor. Take the time for some inspiration and discover different designs - from colorful and patterned to natural and neutral - in practical examples that we have put together for you. All projects can also be found on iXtenso in the form of detailed articles.
Light messages through LED in vinyl flooring
Change of direction in the bicycle shop
![Pfeile im Bodenbelag](/media/story_section_image/6212/image-01-richtungswechsel-c-trend-store.jpg)
Magnetic floors rolled out quickly: Exhibition stand at Panomara
Colorful design photo floor as a changeable design element: Ruhr Museum Essen
Different materials for optical separation: Frischwerk in Hamburg
Highlight areas: Lego flagship store in Berlin
![gelb_wie_ Lego_Berlin_c_Lego_GmbH](/media/story_section_image/6216/image-01-gelb-wie-lego-berlin-c-lego-gmbh.jpg)
Marble floor in a retro black and white: Harrods in London
![Photo: Power floor: power store](/media/story_section_image/6203/fullscreen-01-marmorboden-schwarz-weiss-harrods-c-ben-anders-one-represents.jpg)
White tiles: dada Store in China
Herringbone pattern in tiles: Mußler Beatuy by Notino Store in Stuttgart
![Fliesen_Mußler_Beatuy_b_Notino_Stuttgart_c_DITTEL ARCHITEKTEN GMBH...](/media/story_section_image/6205/image-01-fliesen-mussler-beatuy-b-notino-stuttgart-c-dittel-architekten-gmbh.jpg)
Dark tiles: BORK in Russia
Cast decorative floor spatula
![gegossen_dekorativer_Bodenspachtel_Designboden_c_quick-mix Gruppe...](/media/story_section_image/6207/image-01-gegossen-dekorativer-bodenspachtel-designboden-c-quick-mix-gruppe.jpg)
Trend in neutral grey: Footlocker in London
Regional limestone soil: Schubert Pharmacy in Pullach an der Isar
![Photo: Power floor: power store](/media/story_section_image/6209/fullscreen-01-regionaler-kalksteinboden-schubert-apotheke-c-hans-juergen-landes.jpg)
Genuine wood with herringbone pattern: Steiff Store
PVC floor in herringbone look: Bettenrid in Munich
![Bettenrid München_PVC_Boden_Fichgrätenlook_c_umdasch...](/media/story_section_image/6211/image-01-bettenrid-muenchen-pvc-boden-fichgraetenlook-c-umdasch.jpg)
Floor and manhole covers like on the street: Snipes Store in Cologne