SkatePro - Scandinavia's largest online skateshop for scooters, roller skates and skate boards, was started in 1996 and has stores in both Århus and Copenhagen (Denmark).

With a busy shop and full speed on a daily basis, it was too costly for SkatePro, to replace the paper price tags manually. There was a need for a smarter solution for handling product and price updates. Therefore, the idea of Breece System and electronic shelf labels came up.
"It's a waste of employee resources, spending both time and effort on checking the price of the products on the shelf. Therefore, we chose to invest in electronic shelf labels. Now we can guarantee that the price tag on the product at the shelf, is also the same that the price in our online shop", says Jens Fredgaard, IT Manager at SkatePro.
Besides saving time while creating a consistent experience with the same prices in online shop and physical stores, electronic shelf labels have also created new opportunities at SkatePro.
"Electronic shelf labels actually give us the opportunity to think differently and challenge the way we've been doing business before. Now, for example, we can show available sizes or colors in stock - directly at the shelf. We also save time", explains Jens.
"Electronic price tags actually give us the opportunity to think differently and challenge the way we've been doing business before." (Jens Fredgaard, IT Manager, SkatePro)

SkatePro thinks out of the box
SkatePro has also thought of the box with the electronic shelf labels, which SkatePro also is using as digital room signage today, to make sure that the calendar always is updated at the office. Jens continues:
"We have three busy meeting rooms. With an easy and painless integration into our stores, I thought that we also could try to use the electronic signs as meeting room signs - it works perfectly and gives us a quick overview of the available rooms."

SkatePro announced as the best b2c e-commerce company with revenue over 30 million DKK
SkatePro has just won the prize as "best B2C E-commerce company with revenue over 30 million DKK (May, 2017)", by the Danish Internet Trade Association (FDIH). It is all about proper tradesmanship at SkatePro, which now has become a brand. The good purchasing experience is expressed, for example, by optimizing wildly on SEO and SEM, so an increased amount of customers are retrieved through organic searches than before. SkatePro works with intelligent pricing so that competitors' pricing is monitored, but not followed unconsciously. The has also resulted in an increased contribution margin. SkatePro is also using Big Data - e.g. to control the average life time for customers, make customized offers and much more.