Lately, interest in shopper research, shopper insights and shopper marketing has significantly increased.
The Chair of Marketing and Retailing at the University of Duisburg-Essen is offering a seminar on methods and insights of shopper research. Over two days, the seminar addresses issues of consumer behavior at shopping venues, discusses tools suited to collect and analyze the necessary data, and presents the findings of this kind of research.
The seminar combines research and practical experiences in a targeted manner. It not only demonstrates how you can obtain knowledge about customers but also what mistakes you should avoid and which tools are not so well suited.
Shopper Insights – The Topics
- Segmentation of product groups
- Search behavior
- Path to purchase
- Planned and impulse buying
- One-stop shopping
- Out-of-stocks
- Convenience
- Customer analysis
Shopper Research – The Methods
- Types and sources of data
- Group discussions
- Surveys
- Sorting methods (mapping)
- Observation techniques (in particular, video surveillance and eye tracking)
- Test designs (lab and field experiments)
- Data mining
- Quality criteria for surveys
Seminar participants also learn:
- Which method is the best suited for specific concerns,
- What you can actually learn from observations,
- Why you should take more time for some types of observations.
Prof. Dr. Hendrik Schröder I Chair of Marketing & Retailing, Director of Category Management I University of Duisburg-Essen
Event times & place:
Day 1: March 8, 2016, from 10 am to 6 pm
Day 2: March 9, 2016, from 9 am to 4 pm
at Mintrops Stadt Hotel Margaretenhöhe, Steile Straße 46, 45149 Essen
For more information, see