Traditionally, occupancy levels in a given physical location are estimated by the amount of IN passages minus the amount of OUT passages. As no people counting solution is 100 % accurate, any missed counts or double counts will be accumulated throughout the day. This has a small effect on visitor traffic numbers, but may result in a potentially la
rge discrepancy when calculating location occupancy.
TrueView Occupancy, which is built upon the famed TrueView People Counter, uses a patent pending counting algorithm that has been developed to continuously analyze behavior of visitors, and calculate an average visit time. The average visit time is then used to filter away counting errors accumulating throughout the day. The output of the application is an estimated occupancy and average visit time at any given time.
“We see quite a demand for this application, for an entertainment venue, convention center, or retail shops and shopping malls, occupancy is an indicator of the revenue opportunity. For transportation centers and healthcare centers, it is a measure of demand and important for service planning, and in all public spaces, where the maximum occupancy is stipulated,” says Rikard Berthilsson, CEO of Cognimatics.
The TrueView Occupancy application is 100 % embedded in standard network cameras (Axis) and by mounting cameras at every entrance/exit of a building and connecting them in a master-slave set-up, i.e. one master camera collects information from all slave cameras, occupancy is estimated for the designated area.
"As with all TrueView applications, it is developed in close dialogue with our customers. The solution is infinitely scalable, requires very little bandwidth, and is cost effective, as there is no need for additional hardware. The application is most suitable for locations where people are in transition such as in retail, museums, news agencies, etc. In fact, we think we have developed something truly unique here and have a patent pending for the application,” says Berthilsson.
Source: Cognimatics