DSB (Danish State Railways) opts for TVMs from Hoeft & Wessel

Following a Europe-wide invitation for tenders, DSB (Danske Statsbaner (Danish State Railways)) has again opted for Hoeft & Wessel´ stationary ticket vending machines (TVM). The Almex business division of the German IT and Engineering Group for ticketing, parking and mobile solutions will be supplying a total of 118 almex.station TVM´s and installing them at railway stations in Denmark. DSB previously bought TVM´s from Hoeft & Wessel in 2004. Together with the new order, a total of around 300 stationary TVM´s will be in operation at DSB.

The TVM´s conform to the latest requirements of the European Union (EU) regarding ease of use especially for persons with restricted mobility. The TSI standard - the technical specification for inter-operability - defines and, therefore, standardises the arrangement of operating functions. The new TVM´s accept payments by coins, bank and credit cards. At some locations it will also be possible to pay with banknotes and to receive change in the form of banknotes


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