BlueCards by NOVO: The Blue One comes

Environment friendly, sustainable, flexible

Advertising cards are ideal ambassadors of information: Small, credit-card-sized, can be stored in the wallet and so they are always at hand. Printed shiny and colourful, they present the content wothly and – unlike the cards made of paper – always in the same quality. For companies where the sustainability of their advertising products is important, the NOVO GmbH, card prducer from Bonn, has issued the new series of BlueCards. The “Blue ones” are unlike the ordinary PVC cards completely biodegradable. They are based on a product that comes with the paper production in great quantities. BlueCards are according to the requirements of DIN EN 71, Part 3.

A big advantage is the bending strength of the innovative biologic cards that is about four times higher than the strength of PVC-cards. This speciality predestinates the BlueCards for the usage as ShoppingCards with integrated chip. The highlight: The customers don’t have to break the chip out of the card, they only have to bend it in the right position: No trash developing! Company informations and advertising slogans stay visible and don’t vanish in the shopping trolley. BlueCards are produced as injected moulded cards and can be printed in offset-full-colour print on both sides. But BlueCards can not only be used as Shopping cards, they can also be used as service cards, bonus cards, debit cards, club cards, warranty cards, membership cards and gift cards. When a BlueCard is once not longer useful, it can be cleaned up as environment-friendly as wood: through decaying or burning. There will be only set as much CO2 in the atmosphere as the plants have bound before.



Lievelingsweg 102-104
53119 Bonn


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