In addition to the unique principle of the fans which are mounted on rails and therefore easy to handle, there are a number of other advantages which could make the new Thermostore unit the best of its class.
Revised unit with sophisticated concept
In order to further improve the energy efficiency and the ease of maintenance of insulated unit coolers and to offer customers the greatest added value possible, Güntner revised its insulated unit cooler concept. The outcome is a concept with directly driven EC centrifugal fans and an ideal arrangement of all components in the insulated casing. Our customers can choose from diverse casing variants for different space requirements. Airflow routing inside the casing is performed without air guiding sheets upon which ice could build up. In short: A flexible and sophisticated solution with numerous advantages.
Registered for patent: Easy Maintenance and Access System
The new THERMOSTORE's highlight is our "Easy Maintenance and Access System"; a new patent-pending design which makes it very easy to replace the directly driven EC fans. The fans are mounted on slide rails so that they can easily be pulled out of the unit. Lifting equipment is not necessary for replacing the fans in a convenient working height. This means repair works can be carried out in an easier and less time-consuming manner.
Inspection and service made easy
Enough space is available for inspection and service works. The large entrance door, internal lighting and accessibility with headroom facilitate the work. All components are easily accessible and there are large maintenance openings for the inspection of the heat exchanger. A door contact switch and protection guard provide the required safety. For the directly driven fans, there is no need for retightening the V-belts, which increases maintenance intervals.
Numerous advantages by system decoupled from cold room
Insulated unit coolers have been a proven and ideal solution for low-temperature storage rooms for many years already. These units with insulated casing set-up outside the storage room have many application benefits: They do not require any footprint in the storage room and offer great accessibility for inspection and maintenance thanks to accessible casings with large entrance doors. Furthermore, the units can be used for applications with or without air ducts and they are protected – due to the set-up outside the storage room – against damage that can be caused by transport processes in the storage area. An insulated flap for supply and exhaust air is closed during the defrosting process, which reliably prevents heat input as well as vapour in the cold room. During the defrosting process, all components are heated by recirculated air and completely defrosted within the cooler. Any condensate is removed reliably and completely from the cooler. All maintenance works can be performed in the heated interior while the flap is closed.
Wide model range, capacity and air volume precisely designed
Each single unit is designed individually for the specific application. For capacities ranging from 20 to 200 kW, natural refrigerants (NH3, CO2) as well as HFCs and cold brine can be used. The heat exchanger is perfectly adjusted to the refrigerant and the application by an ideal selection of surface area, fin geometry and material. The required air volume and external pressure are exactly adjusted via parameterisation of the EC fans. All common defrosting types can be integrated – and a defrost control can be delivered on request.