The "Katalog E" has been published in English language

The "Katalog E", set up by the committee for definitions in trade and distribution, aims at informing about the content of relevant terms in the areas of trade and distribution and by this at supporting a process of standardisation what regards the definition of these terms. The catalogue shall at first inform about relevant phenomenons in trade and distribution and ease communication in business life, so that misunderstandings are prevented. The authors made an effort for the use of an intelligible language.

The Katalog E is directed at a broad circle of addressees in business practice, government and judiciary, business organisations as well as teaching and educational institutions of all levels. Up to now, the committee has published four editions of the catalogue since 1970 with an ever expanded amount of terms. A total of more than 40,000 distributed copies documents the great interest which the catalogue found.

So far, the Katalog E has been available only in German language. In June 2009 an English version of the current original 5th German edition was published. The 5th edition of the Katalog E has been released in February 2006 and can be exclusively ordered at the "Institut für Handelsforschung an der Universität zu Köln". The publication is available as an electronic version as well as a printed version. In addition to the printed version, some keywords in the extended electronic version (PDF document) include wider definitions of terms; occasionally also additions to the specific issue or references can be found there.

The fifth edition is based on a changed text structure compared to the fourth edition. Furthermore, particularly new terms of electronic trade (e-commerce and e-business), procurement policy, location and regional planning were added. Moreover, all definitions of the 4th edition were reviewed and - where necessary - revised. The existing edition now amounts to 344 main keywords and numerous minor and supporting keywords. Many definitions regarding electronic business are based on the brochure published by the E-Commer-Center Handel named "Die Begriffe des eCommerce" (Terms of e-commerce).


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