SAF Analytics

Fine Tuning for Rapid and Cost-Optimized Logistics Processes

SAF Analytics - Fine Tuning for Rapid and Cost-Optimized Logistics Processes...
SAF Analytics - Fine Tuning for Rapid and Cost-Optimized Logistics Processes

Automated ordering systems help retailers save significant time and money. However, the optimization potential is significantly greater if, in addition to the replenishment process, additional logistical parameters and influencing factors are included in the cost analysis. The SAF Analytics service offerings effectively support these efforts.

The innovative SAF service offerings increase the logistical optimization potential of retailers by enabling a critical review of the logistical factors. Strategic guidelines and logistical parameters such as pack size or delivery cycles are included in the cost analysis.

SAF Analytics provides essential information for company-wide planning and control. The services can be provided as stand-alone solutions or complete solution packages.


The SAF consulting services include:

SAF FeasibilityStudy
Review of the existing database, determination of cost savings
potential through the use of SAF software

SAF OptimalClusterSet
Determination of groups of stores or items for cluster-specific settings

SAF OptimalParameterSet
Review and optimization of configurations

SAF KPI-Analysis
Performance review of the replenishment process


The SAF Magic Triangle combines the following three service offerings:

SAF OptimalShelfCapacity

Demand-driven control of shelf inventories


SAF OptimalPackSize
Determination of cost-optimized pack sizes


SAF OptimalDeliveryCycle
Determination of cost-optimized delivery cycles



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