Foundation Earth has published a trailblazing new method to assess the environmental impact of food and drink products following an intensive year-long research and development programme.

- New method proposes an improved version of the European Commission’s Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) following intensive R&D programme
- Food industry responsible for one-third of global emissions – with consensus building behind harmonised ecolabelling scheme being route to drive down environmental impacts
The methodology proposes an improved version of the European Commission’s Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) – the closest yet to an agreed standard. The publication marks a huge milestone in the world of ecolabelling and brings an optimum, harmonised system that can be used across the European continent one step closer.
The new Life Cycle Assessment-based method published by Foundation Earth, which is going open source to increase transparency and allow for large uptake globally, proposes a robust and data-driven environmental scoring system which allows for the comparison between different food chains producing the same type of food.
The new system will enable businesses to transform their food systems to reach sustainability targets, whilst providing consumers with the clear and credible information needed to make more sustainable buying choices through ecolabels. The Foundation remains committed to continued innovation and improvement of the system in the months ahead. It has undergone widespread consultation with all sectors and many European governments and will continue to engage in this process.
This work is the continuation of Foundation Earth’s mission to build more sustainable food systems by gathering critical mass and support under a single ecolabelling scheme from experts, scientists, major industry players, tech giants and consumer research organisations. Over 20 brands have already scored 350+ products with Foundation Earth, demonstrating commitment from the sector to join the environmental movement under this initiative.