The trans-o-flex logistics group has ordered 240 new transporters, trucks and trailers, all of which will be delivered and commissioned this year. The first vehicles will arrive in March. “On the one hand, we are investing in our vehicle fleet in order to modernise it and to provide the capacity for further shipment growth”, says Wolfgang P. Albeck, CEO of the provider of industry-specific logistic services with its focus on the pharmaceutical industry. “On the other hand, this order also helps us get prepared for an extension of the diesel driving bans.”
This is why the company exclusively ordered diesel engines that meet the latest emission standards and will, therefore, not be affected by driving bans as things stand at present. “We would like to use electric vehicles”, adds Albeck. “However, our tests last year showed that, especially for the temperature-controlled vehicles we need, the limited range makes the practical use unfeasible and uneconomical at the moment.” Nevertheless, Albeck has set the goal for this year: the first deliveries using electric vehicles will be made in the fourth quarter. The delivery vehicles concerned will presumably be without active temperature control of the loading space.
The ordered vehicles are exclusively thermo-vehicles with a special body. In detail, there are 150 transporters (3.5-ton transporters from Mercedes-Benz) and 35 trucks (14-ton trucks and 5-ton trucks from Iveco). These are two-chamber vehicles in which the goods can be transported in two temperature ranges (2 to 8 °C and 15 to 25 °C). In addition to this, 55 thermo trailers will be procured for regular traffic (single-chamber system). All vehicles have been certified to pharmaceutical standards and can therefore be used immediately for the transport of pharmaceuticals. According to Albeck, the total purchase costs amount to “considerably more than € 10 million”.