Dr. Schutz GmbH

Dr. Schutz GmbH
Holbeinstraße 17
53175 Bonn
Phone: +49 228/95 35 2-0
Fax: +49 228/95 35 2-29
E-Mail: info@dr-schutz.com
Internet: www.dr-schutz.com
For the past 60 years the Dr. Schutz Group has specialized in the maintenance of floors of all kinds in close cooperation with the leading floor manufacturers on the market. As the specialist for floor care and maintenance, the Dr. Schutz Group bundles together the most important brands under one umbrella: Dr. Schutz is the brand for the cleaning and care of all floors, eukula is the guiding light for lacquers and oils on all types of wood and cork floors, and the furniture glider system scratchnomore rounds off the protection of all floors in use. In 2018, the company was awarded the German Innovation Award and thus received an award for the innovative floor remake system for the sustainable renovation and redesign of a wide variety of floors in use.