Evaluate the effectiveness of your marketing activities
Vis-à-pix GmbH

Vis-à-pix GmbH
Babelsberger Straße 12
14473 Potsdam
Phone: +49 (0)331 23 18 32 0
Fax: +49 (0)331 23 18 32 99
E-Mail: info@visapix.com
Internet: www.visapix.com
Increase in turnover via evaluation of instore marketing tools
Vis-à-pix is specialist for intelligent 3D video analysis. Our software family People Counter analyses consumer behaviour in shops and malls and offers important shopper insights for marketing departments and advertising partners.
In order to maximise the reach of an instore marketing activity, our customers require exact information about the customer flow at entrances and exits, the reach of instore media and the time spent in front of them. Also the direction of movement on aisles is an important criterion for retailers and shopping mall manager. The products of the People Counter family complement each other in order to analyse the impact of advertising: The cost per mille is measured with the software People Focus, and the People Scout measures the time spent in front of a specific activity, and thereby assesses its attractiveness.
The data can be used as a basis for an effective planning of all service and marketing activities, such as POS market research, the employment of staff, and the detection of waiting lines at cash desks. The deeper understanding of the customer allows for a more efficient implementation of all service and marketing activities. Thus, the shopper can be offered more entertainment, orientation, and convenience.
Vis-à-pix is specialist for intelligent 3D video analysis. Our software family People Counter analyses consumer behaviour in shops and malls and offers important shopper insights for marketing departments and advertising partners.
In order to maximise the reach of an instore marketing activity, our customers require exact information about the customer flow at entrances and exits, the reach of instore media and the time spent in front of them. Also the direction of movement on aisles is an important criterion for retailers and shopping mall manager. The products of the People Counter family complement each other in order to analyse the impact of advertising: The cost per mille is measured with the software People Focus, and the People Scout measures the time spent in front of a specific activity, and thereby assesses its attractiveness.
The data can be used as a basis for an effective planning of all service and marketing activities, such as POS market research, the employment of staff, and the detection of waiting lines at cash desks. The deeper understanding of the customer allows for a more efficient implementation of all service and marketing activities. Thus, the shopper can be offered more entertainment, orientation, and convenience.