Xovis AG


Xovis AG

Industriestrasse 1
3052 Zollikofen


Phone: +41 32 342 04 70

E-Mail: info@xovis.com
Internet: www.xovis.com

Xovis is an international market leader for intelligent people flow solutions across airports, retail, transportation, and smart buildings. The company's mindset and experience make it a learning organization and exactly this characteristic lets Xovis do things differently. In light of the increase in global population and mobility, people flow around the world needs new ways of thinking. Xovis has been at the forefront of high-precision technology for more than a decade and is helping clients improve people flow and rethink their business for better performance.

With more than 150,000 Xovis sensors in the field, the Swiss-based company is the market leader in people flow management in the airport and retail industries. Today, thousands of customers around the world count on the combination of Xovis sensors and software solutions to move people more smoothly through their facilities, optimize their resource planning and increase customer satisfaction as well as revenues. Founded in 2008, Xovis has evolved from a three-person start-up to a dynamic company with over 130 employees. Xovis is headquartered at the gates of Switzerland's capital and has branches in both USA and China.

News by Xovis AG

Thumbnail-Photo: Xovis – people flow monitoring for the IoT age...
04.07.2017   #customer analysis #customer counting

Xovis – people flow monitoring for the IoT age

More than 40.000 Xovis 3D sensors are deployed in the retail industry

Switzerland based Xovis is the market leader in people flow monitoring in the airport and retail industry. More than 40 international airports count on Xovis 3D sensors and software solutions to measure waiting times, passenger throughput and other ...