e-velopment GmbH
e-velopment GmbH
Bahrenfelder Chaussee 49
22761 Hamburg
Phone: +49 40-851870
Fax: +49 40-85187444
E-Mail: Talk2Us@e-velopment.de
Internet: www.e-velopment.de
We are always there for you
The software company e-velopment GmbH founded in 2000 and based in Hamburg is specialised in mail order and eCommerce services. With 360e the company offers an innovative software for all back-office processes in eCommerce, mail order and retail.
360e is one of the leading product in the industry, with wich you can automate all operative processes. Theses are fo ex.:
- customer communication,
- payment and receivables management,
- order management, incl. automated webshop communication,
- logistics,
- and shipping.
Our 70-strong work-force in Hamburg are driven by delivering success.