IWD market research GmbH

IWD market research GmbH

Lorenzweg 42
39124 Magdeburg

Phone: +49 (0) 391 7347 053
Fax: +49 (0) 391 7347 0540

E-Mail: info@iwd-marketresearch.de
Internet: www.iwd-marketresearch.de

With more than 2 million surveys and mystery shopping services on site, we are one of the leading institutions in retail market research in Europe. With 18 country operations and more than 7.000 interviewers and mystery shoppers, IWD offers special services related to retail. Technological innovations, internationalisation and dedication to unconventional solutions are the decisive drivers of growth. IWD is one of the fastest-growing market research agencies in Europe. We offer our clients unique solutions and methods in the areas of mystery shopping, POS (point of sale) customer surveys, optimisation of direct household advertising with measurements of catchment areas and analysis of quality distribution, using mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. IWD realizes and coordinates international full service market research projects in Europe as well as worldwide for the commerce and industry sector.