Report • 26.09.2024

ELEKEY: Flexibility and sustainability in transport logistics

How a universal booking system could advance cold chain logistics

Reliability is crucial in food retail cold chain logistics. A smooth process depends not only on well-planned routes, but also on the right technology. The start-up ELEKEY offers a universally usable booking system that brings new benefits for refrigerated vehicles and electric fleets in particular. Nadja Hanusch, CSO/CMO & Co-Founder, explains how it works and what it can mean for retailers. 

Nadja Hanusch stands in front of a building with her arms crossed and smiles...
Nadja Hanusch, CSO/CMO & Co-Founder of ELEKEY
Source: ELEKEY

Nadja, what makes your booking system different from others already on the market? 

Our booking system can be used universally by all providers on a pay-per-use basis and offers maximum flexibility thanks to its seamless integration into existing route planning software. In cold chain management in particular, companies benefit from plannable loading stops that can be dynamically adapted to the route - without any major technical effort.

Suppose: I am a retailer. Why is this interesting for me? 

You, or other retailers, can operate your refrigerated fleet more efficiently and in a more environmentally friendly way. In addition, operating costs and CO2 emissions can be significantly reduced. Our charging infrastructure and the associated route planning help to make the fleet more efficient and strengthen the company's sustainability profile.

You are not yet on the market, but you already have a concrete idea of what the retail application could look like. Tell us about it.

A medium-sized food retailer opts for our solution and equips its refrigerated vehicle fleet with electric refrigerated vehicles. A charge point operator (CPO) is commissioned to set up the necessary charging stations at the retailer's locations. At the same time, the CPO works with a route planner who takes care of planning the delivery routes, taking into account the availability of the charging stations. The ELEKEY booking system provides the data for dynamic route planning, which enables plannable and efficient charging stops. This allows the charging process to be monitored and optimized in real time. After a short time, the first successes are evident: the cold chain processes are more efficient, operating costs have fallen and the company is showing its customers that it is acting sustainably.

A truck driving through a green landscape.
Source: mblach

A topic that is sure to interest many: Doesn't the use of ELEKEY lead to further additional costs, especially if only part of the fleet is electrified?

No, and that is a crucial point! ELEKEY is billed on a pay-per-use basis, which means that costs are only incurred for charging times that are actually used. There are no basic fees. The system is therefore attractive even if only part of the fleet is electrified. You only pay for what you use - no hidden costs.

What else does the system offer in terms of charging infrastructure?

One particularly interesting aspect is the monetization of the charging infrastructure. Retailers can not only use their charging infrastructure for their own fleet and suppliers, but also make it available to external users. This allows idle times at the charging stations to be used sensibly, which contributes to faster amortization of the infrastructure. The operators retain full control over access.

What are the biggest challenges for retailers when switching to electric vehicles?

In addition to investing in electric trucks and charging infrastructure, the challenge is that retail is often not a technology-driven industry. There is a lack of expertise and resources to implement complex technical solutions. It is therefore particularly important that our solution can be used without major technical adjustments. It can be seamlessly integrated into existing systems, which makes it much easier to get started with electromobility.

Are there already concrete results?

Yes, we have already carried out simulations that enable technical integration into route planning systems and CPMS systems (Charge Point Management System). Initial projects with selected partners are showing promising results in terms of efficiency and cost savings. We are confident that full implementation will bring even more significant improvements.

Katja Laska

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