Arelion GmbH

Arelion GmbH
Schärdinger Straße 1
4061 Pasching b. Linz
Phone: +43 (720) 370588
Fax: +43 (720) 370588-99
Arelion GmbH in Pasching near Linz (Austria) develops and sells software that solves quantitative optimization problems in the areas of production, logistics, transportation and warehousing. At the heart of the technology is an evolutionary optimization method that is capable of swiftly solving even very complex problems to an extremely high standard, unlike other established approaches. Arelion's software is particularly suited for applications with continually changing boundary conditions typically encountered in dynamic environments. Lean implementation processes reduce project risk significantly.
Your advantages:
- Arelion can solve quantitative optimization problems that appeared to be unsolvable.
- Good initial usable results are available within fractions of a second.
- Arelion technology is multi-core capable.
- Arelion makes possible a fast integration of its optimization software with into your IT infrastructure.