vertigo systems GmbH

vertigo systems GmbH

Engelbertstr. 30
50674 Köln

Phone: +49 221- 222 802 0
Fax: +49 221- 222 802 10


vertigo systems specializes in creating interactive floor and wall projections as well as interactive tables, counters and digital windows. The innovative media are suitable for stationary installation in the public area, for temporary use at trade fairs and events, as a stylish shop-design element or as a sustainable advertising medium for promotion campaigns and advertising time at the point of sale.  We offer our customers digital media of the next generation by using high speed 3D technology. The content ranges across the entire spectrum, from themed environments to interactive games and up to advertising time marketing by modern content management technology.  Brilliant 3D graphics thereby ensure the unmatched quality of the images.  We are a spin-off of FhG ((Fraunhofer Gesellschaft) (company to promote applied research), were founded in June of 1999 and have firmly established worldwide in 35 countries.