Product • 28.05.2008

KALEYDOS - Innovative LED system for lighting and communication purposes


Suitable for wall, ceiling and walkover applications. The system consists of modules in order to create large static or dynamic luminous surfaces. The modules are composed by 256 up till 4.000 LEDs per square meter and special innovative diffusers managed by evolved electronics in order to created any possible luminous scene. The control of the system can be done through a DMX signal or a video signal to create color changing or even use it as a screen to project videos or presentations.

The diffusers are made in different materials and finishes in order to create soft, hard (dot) or crystal effects.

The modules have a dimension of 50x50 cm and it is possible to connect an infinite amount of modules to create any surface needed.

Logo: ALDABRA S.r.l.


Via Europa, 12
20049 Concorezzo, Milano

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